Order for Operations at Mandalay for 11th March 1945
This order was prepared by the Headquarters, 98th Indian Infantry Brigade for the continuing operations to capture Mandalay and Mandalay Hill.[1] The order was issued at 23:57 on 10th March 1945 for operations to be carried out the next day. The original document was transmitted as a message with no formatting. It has been reformatted for clarity.
INFM 1. Enemy still holding southern slopes MANDALAY HILL and FORT DUFFERIN. At nightfall 10 Mar own tps location as under. - 8 FFR on NORTH side FORT - 2 R Berks less two coys and 1/15 Punjab SW corner of FORT - two coys 2 R Berks on MANDALAY HILL
INTENTION 2. 98 Bde will continue ops for clearing MANDALAY CITY on 11 Mar..
METHOD 3. Two coys 2 R Berks. Will attack capture and consolidate MANDALAY HILL as early as possible 11 Mar. Support: - One bty plus one tp ATk in mtr role. On completion of this task arty becomes available sp 4/4 GR. - Two coys 2 R Berks come under 98 Bde for ops. 4. 1/15 Punjab will: (a) Establish a rd block in area cross rds 593639.<.p> (b) Will then secure rd RUDD-RYE from incl ry junc 5864 to incl RYE with a view to preventing enemy withdrawal from area FORT DUFFERIN – ASHEBYIN. (c) Clear area as follows: S Corner FORT DIFFERIN – SW corner FORT DUFFERIN – incl canal rd crossing 603638 – rd ry crossing 5804 – SW corner FORT DUFFERIN. 5. 2 R Berks less two coys will: (a) Secure rd RUDD – RYE from incl RUDD – excl rd ry junc 5864 with a view to preventing withdrawal of enemy southwards. (b) Patrol northwards to excl WEST GATE ROAD with view to keeping ZEGYO 5765 clear of enemy. 6. 8 FFR will: (a) Patrol from incl EAST GATE ROAD to incl NW corner of FORT DUFFERIN with a view preventing enemy from breaking out Northwards and Westwards in that area. (b) Will ensure safe passage of tpt and individuals from excl OBO ry sta to incl WEST GATE RD. Rd from OBO ry sta – WEST GATE RD will be cleared by 0730 hrs. 7. 4/4 GR will: (a) Secure area due NORTH of NE corner FORT DUFFERIN to excl MANDALAY HILL. (b) Clear area due EAST of FORT DUFFERIN as far SOUTH as excl rd RUDD – RYE and as far EAST as incl canal and rd crossing 6266. 8. ARTY FOOs with 8 FFR will be reduced to one fd and one med. FOO with 1/15 Punjab 2 fd and one med. FOOs with 4/4 GR and 2 R Berks no change. A Tk tp in mtr role now with 2 R Berks in sp 1/15 Punjab on 11 Mar. 9. TKS ALLOTMENT One tp med tks in sp each 2 R Berks 8 FFR and 4/4 GR. In initial instance tp in sp 4/4 GR will be employed with coy 4/4 GR on EAST side of MANDALAY HILL. Tks report Bde HQ 0615 hrs 10. AIR Air strike on walls of FORT DUFFERIN being arranged NOT before [unreadable] hrs and NOT later than 1400 hrs. All tps will be withdrawn 500 yds from walls of FORT at 1230 hrs and will close to original posns on conclusion of attack. 11. Breaching of FORT walls by Arty Breaches are to be made in south portion of WEST wall and one in NORTH wall. 8 FFR and 2 R Berks will provide necessary escort parties for guns whilst work in progress. Units will liaise with arty reps with units ref arrival guns. 12. ENGS One pl remains in sp 4/4 GR. Remainder in Bde res area Bde HQ. 13. ADM ADS located area near Bde HQ OBO RS. Two Jeep amb Cs allotted each 1/15 Punjab 4/4 GR 2 R Berks. 14. INTERCOMN Line will be continued fwd to 2 R Berks 1/15 Punjab 4/4/ GR and will be maintained to 8 FFR. Bde HQ remains present location mvg probably afternoon 11 Mar to western side MANDALAY HILL.
17 July 2018